“All to Jesus I surrender, all to thee I freely give...”
After having a restless night of sleep, these were the words I woke up to this morning. I think you could attest to the fact that Life lately has been a rollercoaster (to say the least). In these times worry is not the best friend to have. But I found myself subconsciously worrying. Not just about COVID-19...but life still happens and we continue to take it. I think that many of us try to shoulder these burdens on our own. “Quarantining what we don’t want touched and giving God what we consider the “easy stuff” or the stuff we know he “can’t get wrong”. But That’s simply not the way of Christ. He said he would shoulder all of our burdens and in fact, he died for more than that. This Journey of life gets better. Seasons change and we adapt and grow, all within the grace and mercy of God. Be open to surrender, knowing that things DO get better.