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Destined Journey Defined

To the Single Girl in Quarantine Pt.2

23 The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. 24 Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.
Psalm 37: 23-24

Yes…were back for a part two…and maybe another after that. I think it is so important to speak to the one who is single and maybe has lots of questions.

Soapbox Moment: So I know most have ended their quarantine and are trying to get reacclimated to the public. Please wear your mask, if not for you, for others. Also know that we are still living in a pandemic. Choose your outings wisely, keep hand sanitizer and cleansing wipes on deck. Just do your part to stay healthy for you and your loved ones.

Okay…got that out of the way!

During this time of quarantine, I have had several moments where I have done some reevaluating. One of my biggest things was…Have I missed something…in terms of dating I mean. Like, did I walk past an opportunity or skip over a great guy?

Now…Don’t misunderstand me, I have no regrets. That being said, when we experience sudden life changes, like the one we have all experienced together, we often question the choices we have made up to date. I know I have had a lot of moments where these questions linger in the background. Out of a frenzy, I had joined probably most of the dating sites out there…to no avail…

Then…after the frenzy…not to say that I won’t have another…LOL

I began to think…up to this very day…I know without a shadow of a doubt, that God has ordered my steps. I’ve never questioned that in any other area of my life. So why start questioning it now?

As single adults, when our steps are ordered, we can rest and know that whoever God has for us, is “right there”. Yes, this coming from someone who is still single.

A lot of people may look at this quarantine as a pause on life. I look at it as a reset. This was an opportunity for me to reset and continue to be the best me possible. It was an opportunity for me to look at myself and see where I needed to grow. And…it was an opportunity for me to see God. Definitely not a pause on my life…but almost like I got another chance to get some things right with the life I have going!

This journey we travel is done so in the beauty of the unknown and wonder. Remain in search of this and be open to new opportunities.

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