Lately I find myself coming in and out of focus. Worrying about the future while trying to manage the present. Trying to control all outcomes so life has some sense of normalcy. I can’t be the only one. Sleep patterns off because the brain won’t stop thinking and planning and maybe just maybe…worrying a little too much!
Life sometimes does that! Sometimes we can consume out day with the worries of tomorrow that we forget about the beauty of the present. You may be thinking, yeah I’ve been there or I’m there right now!
Well welcome but guess what, you can’t stay in this space long. I won’t. Throughout the Bible, Christ promises us that he’s got everything under control. The past, present and future. He’s got it all figured out. So why do we consistently and faithfully…lack faith.
You see…this is for me and you just get to sit in.
He reminded me that there is no need to worry or fear. Sometimes, I don’t think we realize how much doing these cause a shift in our attitude and presence among the ones we love most. If we’re consumed with worry and doubt, are we really present to see the small moments take place in life? Are we present to enjoy the medicine of laughter? Are we present enough to see the artistic beauty that is…God.
Sometimes we can’t see past the struggle, the hurt, the pain or confusion.
Christ promises his presence always, we just have to do our part by looking to the SON. Allowing him to Shine and shine bright in the darkest corners of our lives. That’s what this journey is about. To tell the story of us overcoming…OURSELVES. Our trials and tribulations. The testament of how our FAITH can stand the test of trivial times. That’s the journey. So we can embrace it and carry on. Onto the promises ordained by the Father.