I once heard someone say they were teaching themselves how to “take up space”. Today that came to mind. So many times, we as individuals try to work within the confines and expectations of others. We show up in spaces working to fit how people expect us to show up. We may dim our light a bit, dumb ourselves down on a certain topic or even not share important things about ourselves. Doing all of this out of the fear of not being accepted.
Have you ever taken into consideration that the world needs all of your SHINE? What disservice you are doing not only to yourself but to others when you fit into a box someone else has prepared?
Taking ownership of oneself means the good, the bad, the bold and beautiful! It took a while for me to learn this. To learn that wherever I am, all of me is accepted, simply because I chose to be in that space. I choose to fill the spaces I am in with the greatness and the full capacity of who I am. As a Woman of God, who is Black, who is Bold, who is Bright, who is Beautiful!
It all starts with ownership. Ownership of you. Ownership with the fact that God made you a Masterpiece! When I come, know I’m coming with all of me. Im unpacking for the moment. I’m taking up all of the free space, creatively, educationally, spiritually and beautifully.
Don’t ever diminish your presence out of fear. Own it. This journey requires it!