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Destined Journey Defined

Tips for the Trip

what do you do with a Hope and a Dream?

If I could capture all of my hopes and dreams and put them in a box, would I have captured the essence of what they would become? You see, hopes and dreams were never meant to be boxed. They were meant to be painted on our canvas of life. In full color, one bleeding into the other. No lines drawn because the dream continues...until we dream no more.

We are destined for greatness, our Lord promised that in his word.

So why do we continue to keep those visions closed, in spaces where we keep them safe? Where no one can touch them. Dreams were meant to be written out, explored, navigated and defined. Making plain the plan God placed deep down in our hearts.

So to the dreamer, don't let fear cripple your greatness. You are destined for more! You were destined to be on this journey. So live, dream and define what God has given you!

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